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Red Wizard Of Atlantis

Dark clouds gather on the horizon threatening the very fabric of civilization. Lurking unseen, an evil vile and treacherous spreads silently across the land. The peril is urgent and only living legends, and those who will become legends, have a chance to change the shadowy fate of what is to come.

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Saving Eridu

Mysterious symbols written in the blood of murder victims, a respected government official no longer in possession of his own will, a High Priest clever enough to work the political system and ruthless enough to dispatch anyone who gets in its way.

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The Fallen

Drystan, Temple Knight of Lyonesse, is sent to retrieve the betrothed of his uncle, the Duke of Tintagel. This simple journey will set into motion a parade of events that will upend the lives of three unsuspecting innocents and everyone they care about. Betrayal, intrigue, jealousy, murder . . . and love, will drive the human condition to its most extreme. Who will survive the emotional struggle and find true love in the end? Or will love be lost forever?    

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The Imaziɣen Druid

Khulani, a young warrior of the Imaziɣen tribe in modern-day North Africa, knew he had a special gift from an early age. He had always lived a simple life with his tribespeople following the herds of Hartebeest across the endless grasslands that they called their home. Already a successful Hunt Master with the potential to be a great tribal leader, life was good for Khulani. And then his world was inexplicably turned upside-down.    

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Ravek's Ramblings

A collection of Ravek's ramblings, short stories and engaging conversations.

“The elves are a very fun-loving, happy people that cherish their families and have a symphonic relationship with nature that is inseparable from their spirit. Maybe nature is their spirit. It’s all very mysterious.”

― Ravek Hunter, The Fallen


  • Ys: Legend update

    Still on track for a Fall 2024 release! posted by Ravek Hunter on June, 26

  • Founders and Legends 2024

    Recently returned from the Founders and Legends Convention in Lake Geneva Wisconsin. The purpose of the convention was to mingle with the 'founders and legends' of Dungeons and Dragons fame. All the events were games related to D&D and the founding company, TSR. While the advertised 'founders and legends' of the industry were sorely lacking, I immensely enjoyed running 5 successful games, getting to know 30+ players in my events and making new friends. And, of course, the chance to visit the locations around town where the people lived, and the company grew from its earliest days. These are the things that overshadowed the poor management of the convention and made the whole pilgrimage to the birthplace of D&D worthwhile! posted by Ravek Hunter on April, 11

  • Ys: Legend update

    Well into the manuscript! Should meet the FALL 2024 release at this rate. posted by Ravek Hunter on January, 17

  • Ys: Legend update

    After shifting my focus to a stream project on YouTube and Twitch called @LegendsonPaper a few months ago, I finally set aside a couple days a week to work on my latest novel, YS: Legend. So far, I've completed the first few unedited chapters, and I'm pleased with the way it is going. For some reason I feel like I write slower than I used to. I guess I'm becoming more thoughtful as I get older. Whatever the reason, it really doesnt matter how fast I write as much as the quality of writing itself. That's what I'm focused on. posted by Ravek Hunter on October, 08

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